Trading Surveillance for Financial Benefits in Canada

⚠️ Have you read the Privacy Statement prior to filing your 2022 Income Taxes?

Upon analyzing the latest Privacy Assessments of the One Time top-up  housing benefit applied for through the Canada Revenue Agency we found Privacy Risks associated with Surveillance.

The CRA is getting Canadians to accept Terms of Service that exempt CRA from liability occurring from security flaws.

0:00 - Applying for the One Time top-up Housing Benefit

1:29 - Attention ALL CANADIANS Telegram Post

2:39 - Personal Information Banks (PIBs)

5:07 - Debunking the Telegram Post

6:26 - Bribing the Provincial Premiers

7:46 - 2022-23 Departmental Plan: Health Canada Analysis

15:25 - Revisiting the Telegram Post

16:53 - Extra Research/Due Diligence by : Wolf-Shield

21:33 - Technology Privacy Risks

25:17 - Directive on Privacy Assessment

26:43 - Privacy Assessment - One time top-up to the Canada Housing Benefit

27:23 - Use of Surveillance

28:25 - CRA exempting themselves from Liability for Data Breaches

40:27 - Closing Remarks

Trading Surveillance for Financial Benefits in Canada

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⚠️ Have you read the Privacy Statement prior to filing your 2022 Income Taxes?

Upon analyzing the latest Privacy Assessments of the One Time top-up  housing benefit applied for through the Canada Revenue Agency we found Privacy Risks associated with Surveillance.

The CRA is getting Canadians to accept Terms of Service that exempt CRA from liability occurring from security flaws.

0:00 - Applying for the One Time top-up Housing Benefit

1:29 - Attention ALL CANADIANS Telegram Post

2:39 - Personal Information Banks (PIBs)

5:07 - Debunking the Telegram Post

6:26 - Bribing the Provincial Premiers

7:46 - 2022-23 Departmental Plan: Health Canada Analysis

15:25 - Revisiting the Telegram Post

16:53 - Extra Research/Due Diligence by : Wolf-Shield

21:33 - Technology Privacy Risks

25:17 - Directive on Privacy Assessment

26:43 - Privacy Assessment - One time top-up to the Canada Housing Benefit

27:23 - Use of Surveillance

28:25 - CRA exempting themselves from Liability for Data Breaches

40:27 - Closing Remarks

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