Trudeau Says He Will Override Our Fundamental Rights Regardless of the Charter of Rights

Trudeau Says He Will Override Our Fundamental Rights Regardless of the Charter of Rights - If brainwashed sheeple aren't paying attention yet, they soon will be...will we be witness to an all out fascist corporate takeover attack via demon possessed psychopathic military, lockdowns and forced lethal injections against our will? Only time will tell...this is high treason and sedition of the highest kind...this wack job has to be a clone, they killed the original... it's like some kind of bad horror movie...


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Trudeau Says He Will Override Our Fundamental Rights Regardless of the Charter of Rights

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Trudeau Says He Will Override Our Fundamental Rights Regardless of the Charter of Rights - If brainwashed sheeple aren't paying attention yet, they soon will be...will we be witness to an all out fascist corporate takeover attack via demon possessed psychopathic military, lockdowns and forced lethal injections against our will? Only time will tell...this is high treason and sedition of the highest kind...this wack job has to be a clone, they killed the original... it's like some kind of bad horror movie...


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