Weekly News

In this week’s report:

Bill C-11 May Not Pass

Even Facebook Blasts Bill C-18

AI Censorship Being Developed by U.S.

Spinning the Coming POEC Decision

#landofthefree #knowyourrights #truthseeker #holdtheline #nowyouknow #covidiots #medicalfreedomactivist #freecanada


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Weekly News

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In this week’s report:

Bill C-11 May Not Pass

Even Facebook Blasts Bill C-18

AI Censorship Being Developed by U.S.

Spinning the Coming POEC Decision

#IWR #canada #vax #mybodymychoice #landofthefree #knowyourrights #truthseeker #holdtheline #nowyouknow #covidiots #medicalfreedomactivist #freecanada


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