WELCOME TO REBUILD THE NATION! Welcome to eternal Light & Life.

There will be a time for humanity when it leaves George Santayana's advice behind, if we are to secure eternal Light & Life for the planet. For the Truth Centre that time is now. The time for rebuilding Canada is now.

Welcome to the brand new BitChute channel "REBUILDTHENATION".

Santayana's advice referred to = "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

"Light & Life" (definition) = eternal peace, love & freedom.

The end wall "equation" is only a summary representation of current

circumstances intended to bring freedom & peace to the viewer.

It is comprised of the following informative texts:

1) "Cause Unknown - The Epidemic of Sudden Death in 2021 & 2022" Edward Dowd +

2) ("Power vs. Force" David R. Hawkins +

3) "Blood and Its Third Element" Antoine Bechamp) +

4) "Urantia Book" - various contributors,

"A Course in Miracles" - Christ Michael (Jesus)

"Holy Bible" various contributors


nov2024 update: The former Truth Centre information can be accessed at www.rebuildthenation.ca, for those interested.

Thanks for the clarifying UB post in the discussion. Here is another clarifying post, since we are on the topic, for anyone who may be interested in removing fear/guilt:

"What a travesty upon the infinite character of God! this teaching that his fatherly heart in all its austere coldness and hardness was so untouched by the misfortunes and sorrows of his creatures that his tender mercies were not forthcoming until he saw his blameless Son bleeding and dying upon the cross of Calvary!" 4:5.6

FYI - The claim: The Urantia Book + Sadler/Kellogg = blasphemy - THIS IS A LOGICAL FALLACY (BOTH AN AD HOMIMEM ATTACK & A SYLLOGISM. [It is critically important that all syllogisms be called out for what they are, in this age of falsehood. Especially the syllogisms used by the trans movement, currently, as the health & well-being of the children is at stake.]

WELCOME TO REBUILD THE NATION! Welcome to eternal Light & Life.

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There will be a time for humanity when it leaves George Santayana's advice behind, if we are to secure eternal Light & Life for the planet. For the Truth Centre that time is now. The time for rebuilding Canada is now.

Welcome to the brand new BitChute channel "REBUILDTHENATION".

Santayana's advice referred to = "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

"Light & Life" (definition) = eternal peace, love & freedom.

The end wall "equation" is only a summary representation of current

circumstances intended to bring freedom & peace to the viewer.

It is comprised of the following informative texts:

1) "Cause Unknown - The Epidemic of Sudden Death in 2021 & 2022" Edward Dowd +

2) ("Power vs. Force" David R. Hawkins +

3) "Blood and Its Third Element" Antoine Bechamp) +

4) "Urantia Book" - various contributors,

"A Course in Miracles" - Christ Michael (Jesus)

"Holy Bible" various contributors


nov2024 update: The former Truth Centre information can be accessed at www.rebuildthenation.ca, for those interested.

Thanks for the clarifying UB post in the discussion. Here is another clarifying post, since we are on the topic, for anyone who may be interested in removing fear/guilt:

"What a travesty upon the infinite character of God! this teaching that his fatherly heart in all its austere coldness and hardness was so untouched by the misfortunes and sorrows of his creatures that his tender mercies were not forthcoming until he saw his blameless Son bleeding and dying upon the cross of Calvary!" 4:5.6

FYI - The claim: The Urantia Book + Sadler/Kellogg = blasphemy - THIS IS A LOGICAL FALLACY (BOTH AN AD HOMIMEM ATTACK & A SYLLOGISM. [It is critically important that all syllogisms be called out for what they are, in this age of falsehood. Especially the syllogisms used by the trans movement, currently, as the health & well-being of the children is at stake.]

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