What Are Karma Essences


A Collection to Change Your Karma

Your past, present and future karma can affect you in subtle ways. Choose to cultivate more positive Karma with our collection of spiritual aids that will shift your energy.

These karma specific vibrational sprays were specially formulated and supercharged using an intricate alchemical process to help you break any bonds that may be preventing you from moving forward in this lifetime. Karma blockages can affect you emotionally, financially and even spiritually. Kicking a bad habit is not easy: it requires conscious karmic effort, which can be achieved with these 5 different Karma Sprays.

Each Karma Spray contains the living energies of plant essences, charged with the healing power of crystalline structures, colour,sound, sacred geometry, prayer, plus more. Each spray includes gemstone chips that when activated amplify the essence’s vibration at the time of use.


What Are Karma Essences

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A Collection to Change Your Karma

Your past, present and future karma can affect you in subtle ways. Choose to cultivate more positive Karma with our collection of spiritual aids that will shift your energy.

These karma specific vibrational sprays were specially formulated and supercharged using an intricate alchemical process to help you break any bonds that may be preventing you from moving forward in this lifetime. Karma blockages can affect you emotionally, financially and even spiritually. Kicking a bad habit is not easy: it requires conscious karmic effort, which can be achieved with these 5 different Karma Sprays.

Each Karma Spray contains the living energies of plant essences, charged with the healing power of crystalline structures, colour,sound, sacred geometry, prayer, plus more. Each spray includes gemstone chips that when activated amplify the essence’s vibration at the time of use.


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