While Illict Druge Are Decriminalized, Natural Health Products Are Under Attack | July 26 Event

Why are cocaine, fentanyl and heroin decriminalized, while Health Canada says Canadians need to be protected from natural health products (NHPs)?

Join us this Wed, as Dr. Roger Hodkinson, @DrJuliePonesse & Dr. William @MakisMD and @Shawnbuckleylaw discuss saving NHPs with Drs. Byram Bridle, @DrTrozzi, @TrueDerekSloan + many more in attendance!

BUY TICKETS: https://brightlightnews.com/panel-3/


While Illict Druge Are Decriminalized, Natural Health Products Are Under Attack | July 26 Event

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Why are cocaine, fentanyl and heroin decriminalized, while Health Canada says Canadians need to be protected from natural health products (NHPs)?

Join us this Wed, as Dr. Roger Hodkinson, @DrJuliePonesse & Dr. William @MakisMD and @Shawnbuckleylaw discuss saving NHPs with Drs. Byram Bridle, @DrTrozzi, @TrueDerekSloan + many more in attendance!

BUY TICKETS: https://brightlightnews.com/panel-3/

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