Wins of the Week with Ted Kuntz - May 24, 2024

Ted Kuntz, President of Vaccine Choice Canada shares the “Wins of the Week” for May 24, 2024. Bringing you the latest news and positive updates in the areas of Legal, Political, and Medical, in Canada and around the world.


1. In response to questions about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s statements that he is “pro-vaccine”, Kennedy articulated his position on vaccines and vaccine mandates in an email this week. Kennedy wrote: “Due to lax testing standards, there is no current vaccine on the childhood schedule for which we can definitely say that the benefits outweigh risks in any age cohort. If there was a vaccine that does what all vaccines pretend to do -increase one’s chances of being healthy and alive five to ten years down the road – I would support it. That’s what I mean when I say I’m “pro vaccine“. It’s like saying I’m pro medicine. It doesn’t endorse any particular medicine. It recognizes that any medicine may cause more problems than it averts in certain, or all, demographic categories. Finally, I would never be in favor of mandating any vaccine, no matter how safe or effective.”

2. United Conservative Party Board President Bob Smith, in an interview with Rachel Emmanuel, host of The Alberta Roundup, declared that they are urging Premier Smith to amend their COVID-19 vaccine policy. Rob Smith declared that Covid vaccine injury is real, and that the people of Alberta don’t have informed consent. He stated that Alberta Health Services needs to be more pro-active in providing all the information available to Albertans to enable informed consent.

3. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services suspended all funding for EcoHealth Alliance and proposed barring the organization from future government contracts or funding. EcoHealth was performing gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology before the COVID-19 outbreak and has been at the center of questions about a possible “lab leak” that may have caused the pandemic. The funding suspension will remain in effect until the debarment proceedings are complete. The move to cut EcoHealth’s funding comes two weeks after a U.S. House of Representatives committee investigating the COVID-19 pandemic called for a criminal investigation into Peter Daszak, Ph.D., president of EcoHealth, and issued a report calling for a permanent end to government funding for the organization, which has ties to the Wuhan Institute.


4. More people than ever before—especially those in healthcare professions—are starting to change their minds about vaccines. This according to Jennifer Margulis in her essay – COVID Nonsense Helped Raise Awareness of the Vaccine Industry’s Real Agenda. She writes: “An M.D. colleague of mine, who has been squarely pro-vaccine his entire career, has started to change his mind about vaccines. This doctor had previously testified in favor of allowing state officials to bar unvaccinated or partially vaccinated children from attending public school, private school, and daycare. In his mind—programmed by four years of medical training, vaccines were synonymous with health. The more vaccinated a child, the healthier. He didn’t believe in vaccine adverse events, had never filed a VAERS report, and had always dismissed patients’ concerns that the problem their child experienced right after being vaccinated as an “unfortunate coincidence.” In his mind, bad vaccine reactions simply didn’t exist. He’d never bothered to peruse a single peer-reviewed article about vaccine safety, read a vaccine critical book, or attend a holistic health conference. But now, he’s caring for hundreds of patients trying to heal from adverse reactions to the COVID vaccines.”


5. Suzanne Anton, retired BC Attorney General and Minister of Finance, in discussing our current political climate stated: “The government can only go as far as what the will of the public allows them. It is the responsibility of the public to push back against government if it is overstepping its authority”. It’s up to every single one of us to fight for them, and to pay attention”.

6. A federal court has ruled that a Colorado university’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate violates the U.S. Constitution. The University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in 2021 required COVID-19 vaccination of all students and employees. It initially offered religious exemptions to anyone who applied, but later would “only recognize religious exemptions based on religious beliefs whose teachings are opposed to all immunizations.” Officials, for instance, said that Christian Scientists would qualify for an exemption but Buddhists would not. They also said that exemptions would only be granted to people who never received any vaccinations. “The court of appeals ruled,” “that no government entity has the right to appoint itself as a doctrinal tribunal that defines which religious beliefs count as deeply and sincerely held and deem those religious beliefs valid or invalid.”

7. New York State Senator Rachel May withdrew a Senate bill which would have allowed children to receive vaccines, drugs and surgical procedures without parental consent. May’s withdrawal of the bill comes after months of advocacy by a broad coalition of health freedom groups including Teachers for Choice, Autism Action Network and Children’s Health Defense, and only days after the May 7 rally on the steps of the capitol building. CHD CEO Mary Holland said: A big component of their efforts will be pressuring the bill’s supporters to explain why they think children have better judgment than parents when it comes to medical decisions.

8. Children’s Health Defence asked the US Supreme Court to hear its case against Rutgers University over the university’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Rutgers was the first university in the U.S. to require COVID-19 vaccination for attendance. Julio C. Gomez, lead attorney for the plaintiffs stated – “So far the courts have thumbed their noses at the right to informed consent, citing an old Supreme Court case from 1905 called Jacobson v. Massachusetts.” Gomez said CHD General Counsel Kim Mack Rosenberg called the case against Rutgers an “excellent opportunity” for the Supreme Court to revisit Jacobson v. Massachusetts and uphold people’s right to informed consent.

9. The Law Society of British Columbia has announced plans to initiate litigation to challenge the constitutionality of Bill 21 – the Legal Professions Act, which received Royal Assent in BC on May 16, 2024. The new Act creates a single regulator for lawyers, notaries and paralegals, and fails to ensure the independence of the legal professions and their regulator — a fundamental democratic principle. Despite all opposition parties voicing strong concerns that the Act threatens the independence of the legal profession, the BC government chose to limit further debate by invoking closure and adopting the flawed legislation. Thus the need for a law suit.

10. Bruce Jordan, a resident of Salt Spring Island, was acquitted last Thursday of hosting an event in a private residence contrary to temporary public health orders made under British Columbia’s Public Health Act. Jordan was charged with the offence after a neighbour called the police to report a large gathering of people who were not following COVID-19 mandates. According to Alan Honner, The Democracy Fund’s litigation director, the court acquitted Jordan because the crown failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was the host of the event.

11. Lawyers for Artur Pawlowski have filed a written legal argument with Alberta’s Court of Appeal last week to overturn Pawlowski’s conviction for inciting mischief in relation to a speech he gave to protesters in Coutts, Alberta, in February 2022. Pawlowski received a 60-day jail sentence for delivering the speech. While a successful appeal cannot restore lost time to Pawlowski, it can expunge his criminal record, and more importantly overturn a troubling precedent that puts a chill on freedom of expression. The appeal is scheduled to be argued on September 10, 2024.

12. In October 2023, author and public speaker Meghan Murphy attempted to book the Cowichan Community Centre in Duncan, BC, for a public speaking event entitled “Inclusivity, Gender Identity, and Women’s Rights.” After agreeing to hold the event, the Cowichan Valley Regional District reversed its decision and denied the booking. After a letter from The Democracy Fund, Cowichan Valley Regional District agreed to revise its booking policies and sought input from Ms. Murphy and her legal team to ensure fair treatment when booking events.

13. Scott Mantel has hired a Law Firm in South Nassau to sue Mount Sinai Hospital after hospital administrators repeatedly blocked her attending physician from treating his wife with Ivermectin, despite having obtained two court orders requiring the Ivermectin be given to his wife. The hospital is being sued for wrongful death.


14. The author of The Forgotten Side of Medicine, a popular Substack with 82k subscribers wrote a comprehensive analysis of the risks and benefits of each vaccine on the childhood schedule this week. He states – “Everything I have seen has shown that the more vaccines that are given (especially if they are received at the same time), the more likely people are to develop a severe reaction to the vaccine.” I also believe that natural immunity is always superior to vaccine immunity. For this reason, I believe that the correct approach to handling almost all diseases you can vaccinate against is to accept the inherent risk of getting it as an unvaccinated individual and be familiar with what treatment protocol you need to implement if you got the infection so that you can clear the infection and develop natural immunity.”

15. Dr. Peter A. McCullough recently made a presentation to a large crowd Texas where said – “The public now understands they were deceived by a narrative from the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, a syndicate of government agencies, NGO’s, and pharmaceutical companies that stymied them in order to carry out a psychological operation that lead to tragic health consequences. Virtually every major public health initiative during the pandemic was completely wrong and dangerous. Therapeutic nihilism, fraud, and corruption swept into medicine.”

16. Robert Redford, the former director of the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention finally admitted that the Covid shots caused ‘significant side effects’ among young healthy people. He also admitted that the vaccine wasn’t really “necessary” for people under 50 years old. Although this is a significant admission, it is too little too late.

17. NIH deputy director Lawrence Tabak admitted to Congress that the NIH funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This admission follows years of evasive answers from federal health officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, about funding such controversial research. In response to these issues, the US Department of Health and Human Services recently barred the Wuhan Institute from receiving federal grants for ten years and pulled all funding from EcoHealth Alliance for three years. Fauci is scheduled to answer questions about the gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab and theories of the origin of the pandemic in a public subcommittee hearing set for June 3.” That should be an interesting conversation.


18. A boat owner in Seaside, California, has deployed a novel way to protest a city ordinance dictating that he build a fence to hide his boat and trailer parked on his property. Etienne Constable built the fence, then hired an artist to paint a realistic image of his boat and trailer on the new white fence he was forced to build. While he complied with the ordinance, the realistic image clearly shows a boat and trailer in his yard.


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Wins of the Week with Ted Kuntz - May 24, 2024

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Ted Kuntz, President of Vaccine Choice Canada shares the “Wins of the Week” for May 24, 2024. Bringing you the latest news and positive updates in the areas of Legal, Political, and Medical, in Canada and around the world.


1. In response to questions about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s statements that he is “pro-vaccine”, Kennedy articulated his position on vaccines and vaccine mandates in an email this week. Kennedy wrote: “Due to lax testing standards, there is no current vaccine on the childhood schedule for which we can definitely say that the benefits outweigh risks in any age cohort. If there was a vaccine that does what all vaccines pretend to do -increase one’s chances of being healthy and alive five to ten years down the road – I would support it. That’s what I mean when I say I’m “pro vaccine“. It’s like saying I’m pro medicine. It doesn’t endorse any particular medicine. It recognizes that any medicine may cause more problems than it averts in certain, or all, demographic categories. Finally, I would never be in favor of mandating any vaccine, no matter how safe or effective.”

2. United Conservative Party Board President Bob Smith, in an interview with Rachel Emmanuel, host of The Alberta Roundup, declared that they are urging Premier Smith to amend their COVID-19 vaccine policy. Rob Smith declared that Covid vaccine injury is real, and that the people of Alberta don’t have informed consent. He stated that Alberta Health Services needs to be more pro-active in providing all the information available to Albertans to enable informed consent.

3. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services suspended all funding for EcoHealth Alliance and proposed barring the organization from future government contracts or funding. EcoHealth was performing gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology before the COVID-19 outbreak and has been at the center of questions about a possible “lab leak” that may have caused the pandemic. The funding suspension will remain in effect until the debarment proceedings are complete. The move to cut EcoHealth’s funding comes two weeks after a U.S. House of Representatives committee investigating the COVID-19 pandemic called for a criminal investigation into Peter Daszak, Ph.D., president of EcoHealth, and issued a report calling for a permanent end to government funding for the organization, which has ties to the Wuhan Institute.


4. More people than ever before—especially those in healthcare professions—are starting to change their minds about vaccines. This according to Jennifer Margulis in her essay – COVID Nonsense Helped Raise Awareness of the Vaccine Industry’s Real Agenda. She writes: “An M.D. colleague of mine, who has been squarely pro-vaccine his entire career, has started to change his mind about vaccines. This doctor had previously testified in favor of allowing state officials to bar unvaccinated or partially vaccinated children from attending public school, private school, and daycare. In his mind—programmed by four years of medical training, vaccines were synonymous with health. The more vaccinated a child, the healthier. He didn’t believe in vaccine adverse events, had never filed a VAERS report, and had always dismissed patients’ concerns that the problem their child experienced right after being vaccinated as an “unfortunate coincidence.” In his mind, bad vaccine reactions simply didn’t exist. He’d never bothered to peruse a single peer-reviewed article about vaccine safety, read a vaccine critical book, or attend a holistic health conference. But now, he’s caring for hundreds of patients trying to heal from adverse reactions to the COVID vaccines.”


5. Suzanne Anton, retired BC Attorney General and Minister of Finance, in discussing our current political climate stated: “The government can only go as far as what the will of the public allows them. It is the responsibility of the public to push back against government if it is overstepping its authority”. It’s up to every single one of us to fight for them, and to pay attention”.

6. A federal court has ruled that a Colorado university’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate violates the U.S. Constitution. The University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in 2021 required COVID-19 vaccination of all students and employees. It initially offered religious exemptions to anyone who applied, but later would “only recognize religious exemptions based on religious beliefs whose teachings are opposed to all immunizations.” Officials, for instance, said that Christian Scientists would qualify for an exemption but Buddhists would not. They also said that exemptions would only be granted to people who never received any vaccinations. “The court of appeals ruled,” “that no government entity has the right to appoint itself as a doctrinal tribunal that defines which religious beliefs count as deeply and sincerely held and deem those religious beliefs valid or invalid.”

7. New York State Senator Rachel May withdrew a Senate bill which would have allowed children to receive vaccines, drugs and surgical procedures without parental consent. May’s withdrawal of the bill comes after months of advocacy by a broad coalition of health freedom groups including Teachers for Choice, Autism Action Network and Children’s Health Defense, and only days after the May 7 rally on the steps of the capitol building. CHD CEO Mary Holland said: A big component of their efforts will be pressuring the bill’s supporters to explain why they think children have better judgment than parents when it comes to medical decisions.

8. Children’s Health Defence asked the US Supreme Court to hear its case against Rutgers University over the university’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Rutgers was the first university in the U.S. to require COVID-19 vaccination for attendance. Julio C. Gomez, lead attorney for the plaintiffs stated – “So far the courts have thumbed their noses at the right to informed consent, citing an old Supreme Court case from 1905 called Jacobson v. Massachusetts.” Gomez said CHD General Counsel Kim Mack Rosenberg called the case against Rutgers an “excellent opportunity” for the Supreme Court to revisit Jacobson v. Massachusetts and uphold people’s right to informed consent.

9. The Law Society of British Columbia has announced plans to initiate litigation to challenge the constitutionality of Bill 21 – the Legal Professions Act, which received Royal Assent in BC on May 16, 2024. The new Act creates a single regulator for lawyers, notaries and paralegals, and fails to ensure the independence of the legal professions and their regulator — a fundamental democratic principle. Despite all opposition parties voicing strong concerns that the Act threatens the independence of the legal profession, the BC government chose to limit further debate by invoking closure and adopting the flawed legislation. Thus the need for a law suit.

10. Bruce Jordan, a resident of Salt Spring Island, was acquitted last Thursday of hosting an event in a private residence contrary to temporary public health orders made under British Columbia’s Public Health Act. Jordan was charged with the offence after a neighbour called the police to report a large gathering of people who were not following COVID-19 mandates. According to Alan Honner, The Democracy Fund’s litigation director, the court acquitted Jordan because the crown failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was the host of the event.

11. Lawyers for Artur Pawlowski have filed a written legal argument with Alberta’s Court of Appeal last week to overturn Pawlowski’s conviction for inciting mischief in relation to a speech he gave to protesters in Coutts, Alberta, in February 2022. Pawlowski received a 60-day jail sentence for delivering the speech. While a successful appeal cannot restore lost time to Pawlowski, it can expunge his criminal record, and more importantly overturn a troubling precedent that puts a chill on freedom of expression. The appeal is scheduled to be argued on September 10, 2024.

12. In October 2023, author and public speaker Meghan Murphy attempted to book the Cowichan Community Centre in Duncan, BC, for a public speaking event entitled “Inclusivity, Gender Identity, and Women’s Rights.” After agreeing to hold the event, the Cowichan Valley Regional District reversed its decision and denied the booking. After a letter from The Democracy Fund, Cowichan Valley Regional District agreed to revise its booking policies and sought input from Ms. Murphy and her legal team to ensure fair treatment when booking events.

13. Scott Mantel has hired a Law Firm in South Nassau to sue Mount Sinai Hospital after hospital administrators repeatedly blocked her attending physician from treating his wife with Ivermectin, despite having obtained two court orders requiring the Ivermectin be given to his wife. The hospital is being sued for wrongful death.


14. The author of The Forgotten Side of Medicine, a popular Substack with 82k subscribers wrote a comprehensive analysis of the risks and benefits of each vaccine on the childhood schedule this week. He states – “Everything I have seen has shown that the more vaccines that are given (especially if they are received at the same time), the more likely people are to develop a severe reaction to the vaccine.” I also believe that natural immunity is always superior to vaccine immunity. For this reason, I believe that the correct approach to handling almost all diseases you can vaccinate against is to accept the inherent risk of getting it as an unvaccinated individual and be familiar with what treatment protocol you need to implement if you got the infection so that you can clear the infection and develop natural immunity.”

15. Dr. Peter A. McCullough recently made a presentation to a large crowd Texas where said – “The public now understands they were deceived by a narrative from the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, a syndicate of government agencies, NGO’s, and pharmaceutical companies that stymied them in order to carry out a psychological operation that lead to tragic health consequences. Virtually every major public health initiative during the pandemic was completely wrong and dangerous. Therapeutic nihilism, fraud, and corruption swept into medicine.”

16. Robert Redford, the former director of the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention finally admitted that the Covid shots caused ‘significant side effects’ among young healthy people. He also admitted that the vaccine wasn’t really “necessary” for people under 50 years old. Although this is a significant admission, it is too little too late.

17. NIH deputy director Lawrence Tabak admitted to Congress that the NIH funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This admission follows years of evasive answers from federal health officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, about funding such controversial research. In response to these issues, the US Department of Health and Human Services recently barred the Wuhan Institute from receiving federal grants for ten years and pulled all funding from EcoHealth Alliance for three years. Fauci is scheduled to answer questions about the gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab and theories of the origin of the pandemic in a public subcommittee hearing set for June 3.” That should be an interesting conversation.


18. A boat owner in Seaside, California, has deployed a novel way to protest a city ordinance dictating that he build a fence to hide his boat and trailer parked on his property. Etienne Constable built the fence, then hired an artist to paint a realistic image of his boat and trailer on the new white fence he was forced to build. While he complied with the ordinance, the realistic image clearly shows a boat and trailer in his yard.


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Vaccine Choice Canada is Canada’s oldest and most respected vaccine risk awareness organization.

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