You can't imagine how important you are, I am Grateful

Shame on me, I almost missed this milestone! Cheers!!

I don't count the years I count the days and ways, the ways we can make a difference every day. Your support over the past 5 years has been a difference maker for too many people to count while I stand against the Billion dollar MSM and here we are some 700 episodes later. Building this platform has been the hardest thing I've ever done but make no mistake they fear us, that alone is priceless.

I'm not exaggerating when I say it's making a difference for literally 10's of thousands of Canadians and beyond. It's also fair to say in fact all over the world. This community has been the trusted tip of the spear for too many Whistleblowers and people in other nations to count. When you support our work you can't imagine how far that goes, how many people we reach, how big an impact the truth makes. In fact it's what makes you the most important person on earth, to the person seeking the knowledge they need.

You provide me the ability to be here. When folks tell me about a show or guest who saved their life I struggle to keep my eyes from breaking. It happens more often than I can say... Thank you for that.

I kind of feel a little like Jerry Maguire here but it's true, you help me help untold numbers of other folks... for that I am eternally grateful.

Now, if you have contributed during our previous five years , please know that I deeply appreciate your help to make What’s Up Canada a difference maker. Be proud, this success Is yours too! You know I can only do this with your support. I proudly do the work in spite of all oppression.

I was seriously thinking about shutting this all down because I hate asking for help more than anything on earth... except I also have the hardest time of all saying no to: "Please, we need your help"

This is all said with the most humble gratitude for what we have done together so far, but I must make a hard decision. I have 2 weeks to relocate or shut it down so I critically need a little help now from everyone. Your donations are what keeps the fight going and the information free for everyone.

So... in my eyes right now you are the most important people on earth for those who need the information the most. They say: please... keep going. If you can help, if you keep me going and the platforms up, I will keep serving the people.

All donations can be sent to:


You can't imagine how important you are, I am Grateful

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Shame on me, I almost missed this milestone! Cheers!!

I don't count the years I count the days and ways, the ways we can make a difference every day. Your support over the past 5 years has been a difference maker for too many people to count while I stand against the Billion dollar MSM and here we are some 700 episodes later. Building this platform has been the hardest thing I've ever done but make no mistake they fear us, that alone is priceless.

I'm not exaggerating when I say it's making a difference for literally 10's of thousands of Canadians and beyond. It's also fair to say in fact all over the world. This community has been the trusted tip of the spear for too many Whistleblowers and people in other nations to count. When you support our work you can't imagine how far that goes, how many people we reach, how big an impact the truth makes. In fact it's what makes you the most important person on earth, to the person seeking the knowledge they need.

You provide me the ability to be here. When folks tell me about a show or guest who saved their life I struggle to keep my eyes from breaking. It happens more often than I can say... Thank you for that.

I kind of feel a little like Jerry Maguire here but it's true, you help me help untold numbers of other folks... for that I am eternally grateful.

Now, if you have contributed during our previous five years , please know that I deeply appreciate your help to make What’s Up Canada a difference maker. Be proud, this success Is yours too! You know I can only do this with your support. I proudly do the work in spite of all oppression.

I was seriously thinking about shutting this all down because I hate asking for help more than anything on earth... except I also have the hardest time of all saying no to: "Please, we need your help"

This is all said with the most humble gratitude for what we have done together so far, but I must make a hard decision. I have 2 weeks to relocate or shut it down so I critically need a little help now from everyone. Your donations are what keeps the fight going and the information free for everyone.

So... in my eyes right now you are the most important people on earth for those who need the information the most. They say: please... keep going. If you can help, if you keep me going and the platforms up, I will keep serving the people.

All donations can be sent to:

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