Keep Librti Alive

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Dear Librti family, 

We created Librti because we love Canada. We built and launched Librti by working thousands of unpaid hours and with our own financial investments. The first year of Librti was made possible by you, through your paid plan upgrades and donations. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

We are at a critical point in Librti's future. For us to sustain basic monthly operating costs, we need your financial support now more than ever.

This month, we have only covered 43% of our operating costs.

Donate Here to "Keep Librti Alive"

Librti is 100% member funded. Your financial support and paid membership plan enable us to Keep Librti Alive and allows us to develop the functionality and quality that we've all come to know and love. If you Love Librti, please consider helping us Keep Librti Alive by sending your love and support through our new “Keep Librti Alive” support page or by upgrading to a paid plan.

Librti is more than a social media platform, Librti is a community of Canadians Who Care and understand the need to be part of a community. Keeping money in “the freedom family” by supporting organizations and businesses that support freedom is critical. We hope you feel the same way and that if you are able to, please consider providing your financial support to ensure Librti continues to be Canada’s Social Media Platform as we continue to grow and release new projects and solutions.

Sending love, strength, and peace to you and the ones you love.

With all of our love and gratitude,

Dione, Roman, Norbert, and Odessa

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