Alex Krainer on the US - UK Obsession with Defeating and Looting Russia

According to author and financial analyst Alex Krainer, the destructive "Shock Therapy" policy imposed on Russia during the Yeltsin years came from the "Cold War mindset" committed to "defeat, dismember and loot Russia...leave it so weakened and impoverished that it could never again challenge American hegemony."  In this special interview with the Daily Video Update, Krainer describes this as a geopolitical "obsession" which is behind the current NATO-backed war in Ukraine.

Alex Krainer on the US - UK Obsession with Defeating and Looting Russia

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According to author and financial analyst Alex Krainer, the destructive "Shock Therapy" policy imposed on Russia during the Yeltsin years came from the "Cold War mindset" committed to "defeat, dismember and loot Russia...leave it so weakened and impoverished that it could never again challenge American hegemony."  In this special interview with the Daily Video Update, Krainer describes this as a geopolitical "obsession" which is behind the current NATO-backed war in Ukraine.

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