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CREATEit is an iPad/macOS application designed to work with WebSonar Libraries to provide a unique and easy way to publish a web based Distant Learning Instructional Platform. CREATEit provides everything you need to distribute instructional material that your audience can absorb at their own pace.

CREATEit is designed, to provide the user with an intuitive and versatile tool set to easily present new ideas to an audience visually. You can simply add captions and graphic items to your photos for sharing or, AirPlay to an AppleTV, to dynamically present your stories in a very unique and compelling way.

CREATEit provides the means to view, create, store, share and acquire content. This includes video, image, audio, PDF, maps, slides, and items. Groups of Items and Slide Decks can be exported and uploaded to a WebSonar Content Library where they can be imported by any other CREATEit app client that has access to the library.

CREATEit combines features from PowerPoint, PhotoShop, and Director and uses a simple flash card metaphor to provide you with a new creative tool and a new platform to share your ideas and wisdom.

• Graphic Layout Made Easy

• Add Text, Images and Paint to your Photos

• Unlimited Typefaces in 8 colours

• 48 Paint Shades with 4 Brushes

• Create Your own Graphic Items

• Create Slide Decks

• 800 Graphic Items available to download

• 250 Background Scenes Available

• 4 Separate Layers

• Amaze Your Friends

• Customize Your Home Screen

• Create Awesome Personal Cards and Invitations

• Display Your Presentations on Apple TV

Spark Your Imagination!

First dream it then CREATEit.

CREATEit provides four overlapping layers that can be used for your presentation. The bottom layer is where the background scene is placed. This image can be loaded from a file or can be created ad hoc with your iPad camera.

The second layer can be used to apply paint to the background. The third layer or stage is where the cast members are placed over the background scene and paint. These items can be moved, rotated and resized at any time. Items on the stage also have properties that can be set, such as: transparency, horizontal orientation, sound control, or deletion. You touch and hold an item to display it's property menu.

The fourth layer or foreground can be used to paint on top of the stage and included items. Paint layers can be edited or deleted without affecting the background scene or included cast members. and cast members can be moved on the stage without affecting the applied paint.

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