End the #ParasiteClass

As I've been saying for years... We need to END the !!! (follow the hashtag) USE IT TO SPREAD awareness.

See them for what they truly are... the greatest Dis-ease of humanity!

Neil Oliver @thecoastguy delivers this blistering commentary on the WEF jamboree of hypocrisy at Davos: “Hypocrisy with wings. The powerful will do as they please, while we pay for it and keep our mouths shut.”

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End the #ParasiteClass

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As I've been saying for years... We need to END the #PARASITECLASS!!! (follow the hashtag) USE IT TO SPREAD awareness.

See them for what they truly are... the greatest Dis-ease of humanity!

Neil Oliver @thecoastguy delivers this blistering commentary on the WEF jamboree of hypocrisy at Davos: “Hypocrisy with wings. The powerful will do as they please, while we pay for it and keep our mouths shut.”

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