Get on the Waiting List for Librti Livestream Broadcasting if you've got content to share!

Thank you to everyone who has made Librti possible. Let's acknowledge what we have created!

Thank you for helping us cover costs for April... we're almost 75% covered, help us hit the goal! Please consider upgrading your account to a Paid Subscription or sending a Donation. Even just $5 / month at the Supporter level is a big help! 

Support Librti with Donations here:

Upgrade to a Paid Subscription here:

Livestream Broadcasting is almost here!PHASE 1: Start closed 'alpha' testing with a select group of hand picked content creators and organizations.

PHASE 2: Limited release where additional selected content creators and organizations will be able to test streaming capabilities to larger audiences.

PHASE 3: Staggered release to all members who are at the appropriate paid subscription plan.

If you're interested in broadcasting on Librti livestream and want to be included in the first 3 phases of initial release get your name on the Waiting List!

We are currently looking for content creators, influencers, independent journalists, researchers, educators, trainers and anyone with a valuable message to share with a growing community of individuals who value freedom, liberty, personal responsibility, wisdom, integrity, independence and community.

Get on the Waiting List for Librti Livestream Broadcasting if you've got content to share!

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Thank you to everyone who has made Librti possible. Let's acknowledge what we have created!

Thank you for helping us cover costs for April... we're almost 75% covered, help us hit the goal! Please consider upgrading your account to a Paid Subscription or sending a Donation. Even just $5 / month at the Supporter level is a big help! 

Support Librti with Donations here:

Upgrade to a Paid Subscription here:

Livestream Broadcasting is almost here!

PHASE 1: Start closed 'alpha' testing with a select group of hand picked content creators and organizations.

PHASE 2: Limited release where additional selected content creators and organizations will be able to test streaming capabilities to larger audiences.

PHASE 3: Staggered release to all members who are at the appropriate paid subscription plan.

If you're interested in broadcasting on Librti livestream and want to be included in the first 3 phases of initial release get your name on the Waiting List!

We are currently looking for content creators, influencers, independent journalists, researchers, educators, trainers and anyone with a valuable message to share with a growing community of individuals who value freedom, liberty, personal responsibility, wisdom, integrity, independence and community.

Comments (23)
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    • sending a request to unlock an account

      • I have been a silent partner, sharing and caring any way I can. Your posts help to encourage my daily walk. I appreciate everything you’re doing!


        • 1
          • 1
          • Great! Go for it, Odessa! Love you doing the videos!!! More videos, please!!!

            • 3
            • Hello Odessa   Send me an email with your phone nr.   Re: Funds/money like your husband says.  Without money ......

              • 1
              • Am i the only one annoyed by the pinned post, talk about abuse of power. Just because you manage the site doesn't mean everyone on it wants to follow you.

                • I dont mind it is a part of doing business.  

                  • 3
                  • This is suppose to be a social network not a business.

                    • It takes time and money to run though.  

                      • 1
                    • That was such a dik and unnecessary thing to say .-"Then click block and unfollow". Problem solved. They can do what they want with the site, "they made it", for people that appreciate it. And they do it selflessly at that.. And with absolute humility. There barely breaking even like you just heard. And Roman programs on the front/cuff  "with no pay". Have you ever Done programing? It sux. It's long tireing and tediously boringly mind numbing...but he does for it free, out of the goodness of his heart and the nessesati for the cause, "for freedom"..for everyday people like you and me, strangers, who many they will never even meet. I think that's a pretty commendable and richetous deed , there all hero's in their own right. Libirti is probably one of the most important and valuable places on the whole internet right now. What's being provided and produced in this atmosphere is unparalleled.There is great change eminating from this location and the souls that have conglamerated here. We should all be supporting  in anyway we can. it's not easy to ask for money/donations , and I think theyre very humble and sincere about it. and it does cost alot and take a lot of work ,money and long days to take on a project like this. If I was rich I'd give you guys everything I got , but I don't have much so I try and contribute in other ways. We are  on the cusp ,the fork of our future of humanities existence. What happens here matters more than most fully comprehend. We Need to support this movement this Awakening with everything we got, it really is now or never.You See it all over the world.  Please Creation. please everyone, together, hearts and minds and everything else , Support. This is for all of our futures ..and all the ones that follow .."For Freedom"❤️

                      • 9
                      • Amen to that Father Ted! 👍💪😊  Very well articulated!  👍💪😊

                        • 1
                        • Well said Ted.😉

                        • "Summertime... and a skippin' is easy"😉 ... that's what the mouse wheel is for. I often wonder why it is that some people let their susceptibility "buttons" control their lives. I recommend focusing on what motivates you, rather than on what presses your's a lot more productive. "No one can please everyone all of the time, at best most people some of the time,😏 ...if they are lucky."

                        • I love you guys! What you have created here is a beacon of hope and it will be forever etched in Canadian history

                          • 4
                          • Hey guys . I want to support with sponsorship for my like minded business . I am in North Vancouver .

                            Mila Earth Bodycare

                            i definitely want to grow while support what I believe


                            • 2
                            • Hey Mila! We're going to be opening up advertising opportunities for select qualified advertisers. We'll be announcing this shortly and welcoming businesses and brands to apply. Plus... the release of our MarketPlace will be a big way for us to support local freedom owned businesses as well! 

                              • 1
                              • That I would be amazing 

                            • Do you accept American dollars?

                              • 3
                              • Absolutely :) If you're making payment online the payment systems will make the conversion automatically. 

                                • 3
                                • THANKS Norbert. I will make a contribution asap.

                              • :O)

                                • 1
                                • I would love to see a buy and sell on librti... charge a membership fee.... this is happening in some freedom communities... our local swap meet is called "The Portal" ...👍🙂

                                  • 5
                                  • That is going to come with the Marketplace... hoping in the summer!

                                    • 8
                                  Welcome to Librti Social
                                  Join Librti to post, discuss, share photos and videos, join groups, and connect with like-minded people that value the free flow of information and individual liberty. Trending news and information in one spot - thanks to members, independent media, and organizations that call Librti home.
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