Mass Psychosis, by After Skool and Academy of ideas - see comments.

Hi all. As "Mass Formation Psychosis" trended recently on Google and other platforms over the last weekend due to Rogan's interview with Malone... I've decided to pull several of what I consider some of the better videos over here. More to come (spaced out each evening). 😉🙏

As Google and other big tech is currently censoring and I suspect C I A (et al) are likely planting Many false articles/blogs/videos and other redirecting information, I strongly urge anyone with tech resources to download and backup any data you feel is a good resource to share... Then share it on several uncensored platforms ASAP. 

Full credit goes to After Skool and Academic of Ideas.

Additionally, I'll add (per my wife's knowledge) that this goes by many names and should all be researched for full under of the problems and traumas we are facing.

1: Folie à deux, also known as shared psychosis or shared delusional disorder, is a psychiatric syndrome in which symptoms of a delusional belief, and sometimes hallucinations, are transmitted from one individual to another. (Wikisource)

#shareddelusionaldisorder #cultpsychosis 

Mass Psychosis, by After Skool and Academy of ideas - see comments.

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Hi all. As "Mass Formation Psychosis" trended recently on Google and other platforms over the last weekend due to Rogan's interview with Malone... I've decided to pull several of what I consider some of the better videos over here. More to come (spaced out each evening). 😉🙏

As Google and other big tech is currently censoring and I suspect C I A (et al) are likely planting Many false articles/blogs/videos and other redirecting information, I strongly urge anyone with tech resources to download and backup any data you feel is a good resource to share... Then share it on several uncensored platforms ASAP. 

Full credit goes to After Skool and Academic of Ideas.

Additionally, I'll add (per my wife's knowledge) that this goes by many names and should all be researched for full under of the problems and traumas we are facing.

1: Folie à deux, also known as shared psychosis or shared delusional disorder, is a psychiatric syndrome in which symptoms of a delusional belief, and sometimes hallucinations, are transmitted from one individual to another. (Wikisource)

#Massformation #Masspsychosis #Folieadeux #sharedpsychosis #shareddelusionaldisorder #cultpsychosis 

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