Timeline to April 21st | Override Quest #1: Canada, America, Australia (We Pay YOU!)

0:00 - Intro

1:11 - The Growing Government Control

7:46 - The "Solutions"

10:46 - The "Pushback"

17:38 - How to start the Override (Quest #1)

20:48 - Rewards

21:52 - Quest #1: How to (Canada Self-mailing instructions)

23:38 - Quest #1: How to (America self-mailing instructions)

23:58 - Quest #1: How to Australia (self-mailing instructions)

24:21 - To receive OVERRIDE tokens (Install Verus Mobile)

26:24 - To receive QORT coin (Install Qortal on Desktop)

29:15 - Email proof of completion of Quest #1

30:08 - Cheqyourself Limited Time Offer

32:07 - The Timeline - Important Dates to be aware of

34:02 - It's just a Game

Librti: https://librti.com/view-video/override-quest-1-canada-america

Rumble: https://rumble.com/v4mtmb0-override-quest-1-canada-america-australia-we-pay-you.html

Qortal: https://qortal.link/APP/Q-Tube/video/OverrideSolutions/qtube_vid_timeline-to-april-21st-overrid_bfpoDW_metadata

Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/8EVtA1Lg9Leg/

Telegram: https://t.me/overrideproject

Youtube: https://youtu.be/BVAXoDWIPdQ


Timeline to April 21st | Override Quest #1: Canada, America, Australia (We Pay YOU!)

1,096 Views  ·   ·  Entertainment
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0:00 - Intro

1:11 - The Growing Government Control

7:46 - The "Solutions"

10:46 - The "Pushback"

17:38 - How to start the Override (Quest #1)

20:48 - Rewards

21:52 - Quest #1: How to (Canada Self-mailing instructions)

23:38 - Quest #1: How to (America self-mailing instructions)

23:58 - Quest #1: How to Australia (self-mailing instructions)

24:21 - To receive OVERRIDE tokens (Install Verus Mobile)

26:24 - To receive QORT coin (Install Qortal on Desktop)

29:15 - Email proof of completion of Quest #1

30:08 - Cheqyourself Limited Time Offer

32:07 - The Timeline - Important Dates to be aware of

34:02 - It's just a Game

Librti: https://librti.com/view-video/override-quest-1-canada-america

Rumble: https://rumble.com/v4mtmb0-override-quest-1-canada-america-australia-we-pay-you.html

Qortal: https://qortal.link/APP/Q-Tube/video/OverrideSolutions/qtube_vid_timeline-to-april-21st-overrid_bfpoDW_metadata

Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/8EVtA1Lg9Leg/

Telegram: https://t.me/overrideproject

Youtube: https://youtu.be/BVAXoDWIPdQ

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