The Real Threat to Canada isn't Trump - It's Trudeau's Postnational Agenda

The Real Threat to Canada isn't Trump - It's Trudeau's Postnational Agenda

March 10, 2025

The Liberals want you scared so you forget that they:

- Sold out Canada to global elites

- Eroded culture with mass migration & DEI

- Bankrupted you for net zero

- Spied on 33M Canadians

- Ran psyops on citizens

- Stole billions in taxes

Trump isn't a threat to Canada's sovereignty - because the Liberals left nothing left to threaten.

The Real Threat to Canada isn't Trump - It's Trudeau's Postnational Agenda

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The Real Threat to Canada isn't Trump - It's Trudeau's Postnational Agenda

March 10, 2025

The Liberals want you scared so you forget that they:

- Sold out Canada to global elites

- Eroded culture with mass migration & DEI

- Bankrupted you for net zero

- Spied on 33M Canadians

- Ran psyops on citizens

- Stole billions in taxes

Trump isn't a threat to Canada's sovereignty - because the Liberals left nothing left to threaten.

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