WARNING FOR PARENTS.........Stunning: Dr. Paul Thomas Blows Up the Conventional Vaccine Narrative—Incredible Statistics

'The Control Group' Stats - Vaccinated / Unvaccinated

60% / 5.71% - Chronic Conditions

16.67% / 0% - Arthritis

48% / 0% - Heart Disease

10% / 0% - Diabetes

7.7% / 0% - Asthma

2.5% / 0% - Autism

9.4% / 0.47% - ADHD

6.0% / 0% - Cancer

WARNING FOR PARENTS.........Stunning: Dr. Paul Thomas Blows Up the Conventional Vaccine Narrative—Incredible Statistics

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'The Control Group' Stats - Vaccinated / Unvaccinated

60% / 5.71% - Chronic Conditions

16.67% / 0% - Arthritis

48% / 0% - Heart Disease

10% / 0% - Diabetes

7.7% / 0% - Asthma

2.5% / 0% - Autism

9.4% / 0.47% - ADHD

6.0% / 0% - Cancer

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