What Went Wrong And How To Repair It

We all have a sense that there is a better or right way to live. It would be difficult to find things wrong if we did not have a sense of how things ought to be. This suggests that things have gone wrong and we all notice this. Do we need to grasp what the right way to live means before we can delve into what has gone wrong? In this video we demonstrate our feelings are not wrong. We do know how to live right but we need to know how to move into an environment which permits right choices to occur. One cannot be honest in a den of thieves. Acting sane in a lunatic asylum is not possible. It is not a matter of knowing right from wrong, we need to live in a culture that rewards right action and penalizes the wrongdoer.  

What Went Wrong And How To Repair It

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We all have a sense that there is a better or right way to live. It would be difficult to find things wrong if we did not have a sense of how things ought to be. This suggests that things have gone wrong and we all notice this. Do we need to grasp what the right way to live means before we can delve into what has gone wrong? In this video we demonstrate our feelings are not wrong. We do know how to live right but we need to know how to move into an environment which permits right choices to occur. One cannot be honest in a den of thieves. Acting sane in a lunatic asylum is not possible. It is not a matter of knowing right from wrong, we need to live in a culture that rewards right action and penalizes the wrongdoer.  

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