You are not alone.

As my wife and I may become homeless within a month... this truth is one of the hardest to hear, and even harder to believe. It feels very lonely, but I know many of us are in the same boat. It's hard to believe it's come to this. Those that live with moral virtues and integrity are being crushed and pushed out. Intentionally. Not sure what the future holds... but it are "white hats" listening... rip off the bandaide! It's time to stand up.

Edit: for anyone finding this post after a few days. Here's the story to follow:

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You are not alone.

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As my wife and I may become homeless within a month... this truth is one of the hardest to hear, and even harder to believe. It feels very lonely, but I know many of us are in the same boat. It's hard to believe it's come to this. Those that live with moral virtues and integrity are being crushed and pushed out. Intentionally. Not sure what the future holds... but it are "white hats" listening... rip off the bandaide! It's time to stand up.

Edit: for anyone finding this post after a few days. Here's the story to follow:

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