I believe in GOD. Am a truth seeker. Seeking INFORMED CONSENT in this insane Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Did we ask for this? NO. Did we we start it? NO. Do we know the total intent? NO. Do we know who our local opposition is? no :(
This is not our revolution. It is for the slave masters, the Elders of Zion. To benefit the elite of the elite. For them, we are cattle. To be lied to, deceived, robbed and raped.
I WILL RESIST the raping of my biology, of my mind and of my spirit. Together we can find better ways. Through love & light!
They fear us. We are a hybrid species. We can think with the shadow mind, and act with our hearts. Do not under-estimate yourself! YOU can truly outsmart them. They're lazy and arrogant. They believe AI computers will deal with their problems, deal with us. Ha!
Garbage in, garbage out.
They can not discern, like us. We have imagination and intuituve logic.
What's the minefield today?
CBDC via Gov-ID-19 & bio-crypto seems to be the purpose of the current injections. Injectionable Brain Computer Interface. A Satanic plan.