All LinksRunning for Mayor, 2022.I am a libertarian comedian, as The Black Jester (, Magyar, I ran for Mayor of Vancouver ( many times, & 2019 Van East ( & 2020 Van Hastings ( run, BC Libertarian Ethics Chair/Exec 2022/2023 Term. Developer of Slave Master: The Game on Steam ( A TI. Top-Bi. I/Me/Myself
INFJ-A / INFJ-T (More Bio:
I tend to be on Gab and Minds more, because I am auditing, I am suspicious of those who can consider speech aggressive. Rather than stating "no threatening people out of their opinions" or "No adhoms."Satire, Huffinglue PostSocial Media:CoinTr.eeOrbys - Election - Comedian - Huffinglue Post - Gaming/Culture/HobbiesTwitter Election/Politics - Comedy - Huffinglue Post - MindFreedom Vancouver, BC - Gaming/Culture/HobbiesIGMinds Groups Election - Huffinglue Post - Gaming/Culture/HobbiesGab Groups Election - Comedian - Huffinglue Post - Gaming/Culture/HobbiesOrbys Channels Election - Comedian/Podcast - - Gaming/Culture/HobbiesYT Channels: Election - Comedian/Gaming/Culture/Hobbies/PodcastBitchute, Bitclout, Pocketnet, 4based, Gettr and Flote