I am a writer/editor, live on Vancouver Island with my husband, Gil, a retired lawyer (Surrey). My whole life I felt 'different' from others especially from my bio family who I am estranged from but that is a good thing, believe me. I have always been the kind of person who preferred to look behind the curtain of public deceit to find truth no matter how painful and lonely that pursuit. Through this last 'deceit' I have lost many friends who regarded me as a 'conspiracy theorist' and a little bit nuts but I soldier on. Being on this site - especially the older one with the last holdouts - has given me a forum to voice my thoughts, feelings, links, memes etc. and to connect with others like me who seem to be on the 'fringes'. But things are turning around and because we stand in truth, truth is rearranging events and situations to favour US. Where We Go One We Go All.