Adding Context - Divine Intervention by Way of "divine personalities"

The information presented in this video is designed to bring understanding to the presence of 'divine personalities' (aka 'Sons of God' - Bible) that was initiated on November 15, 2023. This Presence of Divinity, at this time, is here to simply "balance the books". In other words the existing breaches of free will, currently at a pinnacle on planet Earth, by way of high finance propaganda, elicits the assistance of divine brothers & sisters, to even up the odds. Both the upcoming potential of visual proof of ET starships and of the occurrence of '3 days of darkness' will change the game, forever. The background information on the Grand Universe in this video provides context for the ET presence.

"Sub-200s" reference - David Hawkins chart - 17 Levels of Consciousness - can be found on our website -

My email address for clarification -

Missing narrative - proof - On a warm summer evening with a clear sky you can observe with the naked eye what is presented in this video (a basic set of binoculars aids greatly). In the field of vision (with binoculars) there is a hoard of stars well beyond what you can easily count. Now with each star containing its own "solar system" of inhabited/uninhabited worlds, the kind of magnitude illustrated in this video becomes very clear. There are of course many other stories that blur the picture of reality as presented here and elsewhere. These stories are well financed propaganda achieved by high finance.

Further context: Upon Jesus' completion of his 7th bestowal mission here on Earth and what occurred on Mt. Hermon, Lucifer was apprehended and taken into custody for trial. The first stage of this trial is confirmed, but I do not have any updates pertaining to annihilation. ref: trial - Gabriel vs. Lucifer.

Adding Context - Divine Intervention by Way of "divine personalities"

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The information presented in this video is designed to bring understanding to the presence of 'divine personalities' (aka 'Sons of God' - Bible) that was initiated on November 15, 2023. This Presence of Divinity, at this time, is here to simply "balance the books". In other words the existing breaches of free will, currently at a pinnacle on planet Earth, by way of high finance propaganda, elicits the assistance of divine brothers & sisters, to even up the odds. Both the upcoming potential of visual proof of ET starships and of the occurrence of '3 days of darkness' will change the game, forever. The background information on the Grand Universe in this video provides context for the ET presence.

"Sub-200s" reference - David Hawkins chart - 17 Levels of Consciousness - can be found on our website -

My email address for clarification -

Missing narrative - proof - On a warm summer evening with a clear sky you can observe with the naked eye what is presented in this video (a basic set of binoculars aids greatly). In the field of vision (with binoculars) there is a hoard of stars well beyond what you can easily count. Now with each star containing its own "solar system" of inhabited/uninhabited worlds, the kind of magnitude illustrated in this video becomes very clear. There are of course many other stories that blur the picture of reality as presented here and elsewhere. These stories are well financed propaganda achieved by high finance.

Further context: Upon Jesus' completion of his 7th bestowal mission here on Earth and what occurred on Mt. Hermon, Lucifer was apprehended and taken into custody for trial. The first stage of this trial is confirmed, but I do not have any updates pertaining to annihilation. ref: trial - Gabriel vs. Lucifer.

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