[TRAILER] Awakening From A Dystopian Nightmare -Drs. Pierre Kory & Jessica Rose

[TRAILER] Covid-19 accelerated a push of propaganda, censorship and control to a degree never before seen in history. It also awakened many ethical doctors and scientists to long-standing corruption now naked and clearly out in the open.

Drs. Jessica Rose, computational biologist, and Pierre Kory, pulmonary and ICU specialist, join me for conversation on the "dystopian nightmare" and how we can attempt to awaken others.

FULL INTERVIEW: https://brightlightnews.com/awakening-from-a-dystopian-nightmare-kory-rose/

DR. ROBERT MALONE TICKETS, TORONTO, SEPT. 20: https://buytickets.at/brightlightnews/983446

[TRAILER] Awakening From A Dystopian Nightmare -Drs. Pierre Kory & Jessica Rose

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[TRAILER] Covid-19 accelerated a push of propaganda, censorship and control to a degree never before seen in history. It also awakened many ethical doctors and scientists to long-standing corruption now naked and clearly out in the open.

Drs. Jessica Rose, computational biologist, and Pierre Kory, pulmonary and ICU specialist, join me for conversation on the "dystopian nightmare" and how we can attempt to awaken others.

FULL INTERVIEW: https://brightlightnews.com/awakening-from-a-dystopian-nightmare-kory-rose/

DR. ROBERT MALONE TICKETS, TORONTO, SEPT. 20: https://buytickets.at/brightlightnews/983446

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